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Real-time Patient Feedback

This survey allows you to give us instant feedback about the service you have so far received at Sunway Cancer Centre.

Your feedback is very important to us and will help to improve services.

You can help by completing this short digital survey - it will only take a few minutes of your time and it's confidential and anonymous. As this survey is anonymous, we are unable to respond personally to you.

If you have an urgent concern, please tell our staff straight away
or contact our Customer Service hotline at 03 7491 1281 or
email [email protected]

sunway feedback

Medical Oncology Unit


Were Chemotherapy staff helpful and friendly?


Are you offered practical advice and support in dealing with the side effects of your treatment(s)?


During your chemotherapy, were you ever bothered by any of the following? Select all answers that apply.


Did hospital staff give you information about cancer support groups?


Overall, how would you rate the care and treatment you received from your nurses?

If there is anything else you would like to tell us about the outpatient care you received, please do so here:

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Radiotherapy Unit


Were Radiation Therapy staff helpful and friendly?


Are you offered practical advice and support in dealing with the side effects of your treatment(s)?


During your radiotherapy, were you ever bothered by any of the following? Select all answers that apply.


Did hospital staff give you information about cancer support groups?


Overall, how would you rate the care and treatment you received from your Radiation Therapy team?

If there is anything else you would like to tell us about the outpatient care you received, please do so here:

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Nuclear Medicine Centre


Were Nuclear Medicine staff helpful and friendly?


Before the appointment did you receive all the information that you needed? (e.g., about how to prepare for the appointment, what to bring, where to go for the appointment)


Were you able to get an appointment time that suited you?


If your appointment was changed to an earlier or later date, was this change communicated to you in a timely manner?


During your Nuclear Medicine procedure, were you ever bothered by any of the following? Select all answers that apply.

If there is anything else you would like to tell us about the outpatient care you received, please do so here:

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Outpatient Clinic


Were Outpatient clinic staff helpful and friendly?


Overall, how would you rate the care and treatment you received from your doctors?


How easy or difficult has it been for you to contact your outpatient clinic staff?

If there is anything else you would like to tell us about the outpatient care you received, please do so here:

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Your opinion means the world to us.

Please select the survey below that applies to you.

Medical Oncology Unit

Radiotherapy Unit

Nuclear Medicine Centre

Outpatient Clinic